Tuesday, November 4, 2008

play bartender now

There are many different things you, as the bartender, can remember to do each time you are bartending that could really help with improving your bartending skills, which in return your income will also improve because the happier the customers, and that means more money in your pocket. Some of the things you should already know as a bartender is of course, how to make the drinks, no matter how crazy the drinks sound, if it is what the customer wants, give it to them, and make them happy. Your bar should look nice at all times, keep the counters wiped down, empty ashtrays constantly, give refills, even without requests and always remember to communicate with the customers, make them feel as if you have known them for years. This site will expose some of the myths of bartending jobs and show you the steps to getting your first bartending job.

In order to pass the examinations of bartending school, students have to be able to create a number of different drinks upon request and without referring back to a book or to notes. You will be shocked as to how many people you will get to know on a daily basis, it will seriously blow your mind. When I speak of the negative parts of being a bartender, I am not downing bartending at all, I just want you to completely understand how difficult the job could be on you, if you are not experienced and if you go into it without much knowledge.

You will get a list of bartender schools in your area from the yellow pages or from the Internet. To become a successful bartender, or mixologist, it takes years of practice. Each mixing station should contain the base spirits which are Vodka, Tequila, Gin and Rum.

A career in Bartending is ideal because there are many environmental options to suite a personality type. Even if you aren't in the pay for performance workforce, a bartending job may be exactly what you need.

Bartending Salaries - these are the fundamentals you should know Bartending Jobs In Philadelphia rudiments Best Bartending Jobs - It's Sexy

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